Home FDTD/RCWA/BPM analysis on a single platform. The combination of the three with different features covers most electromagnetic field calculation problems.

FDTD/RCWA/BPM - Selectable electromagnetic simulation software:Ws_soft

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FDTD, RCWA and BPM electromagnetic field analysis can be performed on the single platform Wsems.   ▲top

FDTD (Wsf) and RCWA (Wsr) are exact calculations based on Maxwel's equation. BPM (Wsb) is a fast calculation based on the Helmholtz wave equation. By having these three, most problems of electromagnetic field calculations can be solved.
Supported OS : Windows (64bit)

Configuration of software and platform
Wsf, Wsr, and Wsb are execution programs for FDTD, RCWA, and BPM. Wsbch supports a serial calculation and Wscnt and Wsmnt visualize calculation results. Wsems is a platform for those programs and all of them are set by Wsems.
 Comparative calculation examplesNew 2024/11/12
Wsf(FDTD) is a slow computing speed and Wsr(RCWA) has high memory consumption, but both are exact solutions; Wsb(BPM) is an approximate solution, but its accuracy is as good as FDTD while maintaining the features of fast computing speed and small memory consumption.
Download (Ws_soft_110.zip, 97MB) New 2025/01/03
How to use is included below.
 Installation and basic usageNew 2025/01/20
For more information see next. Platform of Ws_soft : Wsems(pdf)

How to use Wsems : Platform program integrating and data-editing the three electromagnetic field simulation software of Wsf, Wsr, and Wsb.

The most suitable method can be selected from the high-precision FDTD and RCWA or the fast BPM, depending on the analysis objective.   ▲top

All of the following input condition settings and calculations are performed by Wsems.
 FDTD simulation software : WsfNew 2024/11/12
Calculation result of Wsf(FDTD) Analysis software based on the Finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) that pursues functionality. It is possible to select the light source (source position, polarization, pulse or CW, uniform or Gaussian distribution), boundary conditions (periodic or PML), select dispersive materials, calculate scattering fields, calculate far fields in upper and lower surface direction and in 360 degree directions, perform frequency analysis, and analyze light amounts inflowing and outflowing from boundary surfaces of designated areas, or light amounts absorbed in the areas, and more. The computational load is large, but its solution is exact. It already supports multi-processors with OpenMP to speed up calculations.

RCWA simulation software : WsrNew 2025/01/19
Calculation result of Wsr(RCWA) Analysis software based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) for aperiodic structures. It is possible to select the light source (source position, polarization, uniform or Gaussian distribution), boundary conditions (periodic or absorptive), calculate far fields in upper and lower surface direction, calculate diffraction efficiency, and analyze light amounts inflowing and outflowing from top and bottom surfaces of designated areas, or light amounts absorbed in the areas. The memory consumption is large, but its solution is exact. It already supports multi-processors with OpenMP to speed up calculations.
BPM simulation software : WsbNew 2024/11/12
Calculation result of Wsb(BPM) Analysis software based on the beam propagation method (BPM), which has achieved high accuracy. It is possible to select the light source (incoherent or coherent, polarization type, uniform or Gaussian distribution), select the boundary conditions (periodic or absorptive), perform separation-calculation of transmitted and reflected light (forward and backward), calculate far fields in upper and lower surface direction, and analyze light amounts inflowing and outflowing from top and bottom surfaces of designated areas, or light amounts absorbed in the areas. The introduction of a new method (Babinet-BPM) enables precise representation of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference unlike conventional BPM. By extending a scalar theorem, Fresnel reflection can be represented using polarization parameters. The computing performance is overwhelming ( several hundred times higher than FDTD Wsf), and multi-processor support with OpenMP has already been implemented to speed up the computation.

The programmes for visualising the calculation results and performing serial calculations are automatically started and configured by Wsems.   ▲top

Contour plot software : Wscnt
Contour and bird's-eye views for structural boundaries and light intensity distributions can be drawn and output in real time.
Calculation progress monitoring software : Wsmnt
The progress of calculations for FDTD can be visualized and monitored.
Serial calculation and data editing program : Wsbch
Serial calculation and data editing can be performed.

Reference information on software   ▲top

While all are settable in Wsems, the followings are listed as a reference. (Membership)
How to use Wsb

How to use Wsb : Electromagnetic field simulation software by BPM

How to use Wsf

How to use Wsf : Electromagnetic field simulation software by FDTD

How to use Wsr

How to use Wsr : Electromagnetic field simulation software by RCWA.


Other informations   ▲top

Version infoNew 2025/01/03