Restriction of electromagnetic simulator Ws_soft


(1)  If a registered USB dongle is connected (or MAC address is registered) and the corresponding sup.exe is installed in the folder “Wsems”, calculation starts without any function restrictions.
(2)  If the sup.exe included in the folder “Wsems” does not correspond to the registered USD dongle or registered MAC address, the message ① is displayed for 5 seconds. If the USB dongle is not connected, the message ② is displayed for 5 seconds. Air and two optical materials limit applies. However, to the extent that use is within the limit, the calculation continues.
Message01 Message02
(3)  If you want to purchase, contact us in Inquiry

With or without restriction

 No restriction because only air and two materials (SiO2 and Si) are used there.
Without restriction

 There is restriction because air and three materials (SiO2, Si(1), and Si(2)) are used there.
With restriction